November 23, 2010

Closed - J's Kitchen - Macrobiotics

J's Kitchen which is the California style macrobiotic began cafe, is located a three-minute walk from Tokyo Metro Hiroo station, where is the exclusive expat residential area.  This cafe provides you strict macrobiotic and began meals that follow Kushi Macrobiotic Institute that formed the basis for present Macrobiotics.

Main dining on the second floor is very cozy and child-friendly.  The cute pisctures that children drew, covers all over one side of the wall.   

Attractively-illustrated books for children as well as macrobiotic books for mothers were placed at the coner of the 2nd floor and kid's plate is also available.  That's why family-friendly !   Woody taste interior helps family-oriented restaurant too.
My order was a popular set menu including vegetable burger, salad and consomme soup. 
J's kitchen provides 100% began & 99.9% organic foods, such as brown rice, whole wheat pasta,  organic vegetables and seasonings, even the skin of vegetables are used for the delicious cooking.  If you are began or macrobian, I strongly recommend you try this cafe for both lunch and dinner. 

And I take this opportunity to remind you that all began restaurants and cafes in Tokyo are slightly more expensive than others, because even the non-organic vegetables are a high price in Tokyo compared with other countries which have high food self-sufficiency ratio (e.g. USA, France, Germany, Australia and Canada).  This may be caused by being short of agricultural lands in Japan due to small mountainous island country.

Access :  You can see a small glassy black building as the landmark after about a 3-minute walk to Nishi-Azabu from Hiroo Station.  
My evaluation : ★★★☆☆


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